Reminder: Documents Required for Travel to/from Rodrigues

The following original documents must be presented for identification of passengers travelling to and from Rodrigues:

  • Mauritian national above 18 years – Passport or National Identity Card
  • Foreign national – valid passport or residence permit
  • Original Birth Certificate or passport
  • Passport or valid original Bus Pass Or Identity card with photo issued by police station
  • All passengers traveling to and from Rodrigues should present themselves for check in at least 2 hours before departure.

Identification of passengers travelling by air to and from Rodrigues

  1. Foreign national to produce his/her valid passport.
  2. Mauritian national of full age to produce either a valid passport or a National Identity Card.
  3. For accompanied minors, in the absence of a valid passport, parents to produce birth certificate or a valid bus pass or other identification document issued by a recognized Educational / Training institution.
  4. Unaccompanied minors will be required to produce a valid passport or a valid bus pass or other identification document issued by a recognized Educational/Training institution. e) In the absence of the above mentioned documents, a minor to produce an identity document issued by the Police Station of his/her locality.
In line with international practice with regards to border control formalities, all the documents must be originals.

New rules for Cabin Baggage from Rodrigues Airport (as from 4 May 2015)

Carriage of frozen seafood on the ATR EX RRG

  • Packed in plastic bags and enclosed in a hermetically sealed cooler box.
  • Packed in sealed plastic bags and placed in polystyrene box and the whole being wrapped with plastic sheets (passengers will be required to use the wrapping service at SGD Airport)
  • Packed in sealed plastic bags, wrapped in newspaper (to absorb moisture) and then packed in a carton box before undergoing wrapping service at SGD Airport.

Additional measures:

  1. Maximum weight of product per package/box should not exceed 5 Kgs.
  2. No ice or dry ice to be used in the packages during air transportation.
  3. MK staff at the Airport and ARL Officers will ensure integrity of packages prior to acceptance at Check in counters in RRG.

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