Nowadays, more than ever, travellers who want to save money will do their know research and booking online – like a ‘do-it-yourself’ on comparative sites. You go through a tiring process of countless browsing and comparing information that is time consuming.
Hunting for best prices and wanting the best travel experience the same time will most probably give you headaches! This is why travel agents are here. With access to all important travel information, a travel agency will plan your dream vacation in a stress-free and professional way.

Here are some reasons why you should use a travel agent to book your trip:

1. You save time…
A professional travel agent will scrutinize countless travel information, flight details, hotel accommodation and transfers as they have access to more information – which makes it easy to compare and offer incredible deals based on your needs and budget. You can spend more time packing and organizing your trip than being online looking for the best offers.

2. …and money
Travellers usually don’t want to contact a travel agency thinking that they might get charged extra for the services fee. Actually, a travel agent help you look for travel deals that help you save money. Sometimes, they also have time to cancel tickets for free, compared to some non-refundable tickets sold online. Travel professionals have access to special discount and promotions – so they often can save an additional amount or provide clients with an extra that would not be available when booking online.

3. You have options
When you don’t know how and what to plan for your trip, travel agents will be one of your greatest assets because not only will they help you book everything, but they can help build the trip you’ve always dreamed of.

4. You get more
Having access to a travel agent’s insiders makes it just an overall better customer service experience than going at it alone. Travel agents who book a lot of flights develop strong relationships with representatives worldwide.

5. The experience is real
Travellers will search online or read in books about the best places to visits, where to eat etc, in order not to miss anything once there. However, a travel agent will advise you about trip options you may not be able to find in blogs. Following feedbacks and reviews from precious trips, they can help find out what the real local find is, or hidden waterfalls that only the locals know about.

6. They are specialists at your service 24/7
Travel agents have a personal understanding of your interests and insight into a specific destinations and type of traveller. They spend time getting to know their customers so can make recommendations tailored to what you want to do.
Travel agents are on call 24/7. They accompany you throughout the booking process and follow up afterward as opposed to booking online where you often have to go through a chain of people or have no response.